Beans Coffee Culture

Benefits of Vietnamese Robusta

If you remember, I have an expat friend who now lives in Vietnam and thanks to whom I have become a huge fan of Vietnamese coffee, and I’ve shared his coffee experience in the article Thai Coffee vs Vietnamese Coffee.

Vietnamese coffee was known only to local consumers, but lately, Vietnamese coffee has been expanding around the world, and the first truly Vietnamese coffee shop has opened in New York. And if you recall that Vietnam is the second largest coffee producer in the world, then you have definitely tasted Vietnamese robusta, as it is robusta that is added to the espresso or instant coffee blend.

Benefits of Vietnamese Robusta 1

But let me tell you, there is much more to this coffee than just those uses. It has a bright and intense flavor, natural strength, and a number of health benefits. So let me try to convince you why you should definitely try it!

Vietnamese Coffee Beans

Here are some characteristics of Vietnamese coffee beans.

Unusual Taste

The primary factor that distinguishes Vietnamese Robusta coffee from other varieties is its  unique and intricate flavor profile Its bold and rich taste has a range of flavor notes that include bitter melon, scotch, and nuts such as almonds. This combination of flavors makes for a complex and distinctive taste that sets Vietnamese Robusta apart from other types of coffee.

Unexpectedly Strong

Another reason why Vietnamese coffee is so good is that it is unexpectedly strong. This is because 90% of all Vietnamese coffee is Robusta. Robusta coffee beans are naturally stronger than Arabica coffee beans and contain twice the caffeine, even in smaller volumes. When optimized for caffeine extraction, a cup of Vietnamese Robusta coffee is highly caffeinated at less the cost and volume of your typical cup of coffee. But despite its strength, it doesn’t create excess jitters or crashes, so you can enjoy it every day.


Traditional Drying

Vietnamese coffee is dried in a traditional way that is characteristic of the area. After being harvested, the coffee beans are left to dry in the sun, which allows for the development of a distinct flavor profile. In Vietnam, this traditional drying method is done in a specific way that sets it apart from other coffee-producing regions.

The beans are dried on large, flat surfaces in the sun, often on rooftops or patios. They are frequently stirred by hand to ensure even drying and prevent mold or other defects from forming. This method of drying allows the beans to absorb some of the flavors and aromas of their surroundings, including any herbs or spices that may be growing nearby.

Growing Vietnamese Coffee

Wild Breeding

One unique characteristic of Vietnamese Coffee is that it is not selectively bred. Unlike other coffee varieties that are developed through cross-breeding and selection, Vietnamese Robusta grows wild and uncontrolled. This means that the coffee trees are not genetically identical, and as a result, each tree can produce a slightly different flavor profile. This wild variation in genetics is what gives Vietnamese Robusta coffee its distinct flavor and aroma.

Fewer Pesticides and Herbicides

The uncontrolled nature of Vietnamese Robusta coffee trees also means that they are more resilient to pests and diseases. With no selective breeding or genetic uniformity, the trees have a stronger immune system to fight off pests and diseases. This resilience allows the coffee to be grown with fewer pesticides and herbicides, making it a more environmentally friendly option.

Organic Coffee Farms

Organic coffee farming in Vietnam is a relatively new practice, but it is gaining popularity among farmers and consumers alike. Organic coffee farms in Vietnam are typically smaller-scale operations that prioritize sustainable and environmentally-friendly farming practices.

One of the primary benefits of organic coffee farming is that it eliminates the use of harmful chemicals and pesticides, which can be harmful to the environment and human health. Organic coffee farmers instead rely on natural methods for pest and disease control, such as planting certain types of companion crops or using natural predators.

In addition to the environmental benefits, organic coffee farming in Vietnam also lead to higher-quality coffee beans. By eliminating the use of chemicals, the coffee plants are allowed to grow more naturally and develop more complex flavors and aromas.


Benefits of Vietnamese Robusta

1. Unique Flavor Profile

Thanks to the natural flavor of the beans, their natural strength and the way they are dried, the Vietnamese Robusta Beans create a bold and complex flavor profile that will surely satisfy any coffee lover. Prepared in a French filter, French press or espresso machine, Vietnamese Robusta coffee is a delight for coffee lovers.

2. Healthy Product

From a health perspective, Vietnamese Robusta is relatively healthy. Robusta coffee has 60% less sugars and fats than Arabica coffee, making it a healthier choice for those with ailments such as acid reflux. Additionally, Vietnamese Robusta coffee contains higher levels of an antioxidant called chlorogenic acid, which studies suggest can aid in lowering blood pressure and body fat. With higher amounts of antioxidants, Robusta coffee becomes the clear coffee bean choice when considering health and wellness.

3. Sustainable Choice

And in addition to the benefits already mentioned, Vietnamese Robusta producers care about sustainability. Robusta coffee is able to grow in different climates and at different altitudes compared to Arabica, which means it can be grown around the world without harming the same areas of land where only Arabica can grow. Robusta coffee also tends to produce higher yields than Arabica coffee, while requiring less effort and energy.

The absence of selective breeding makes it easier for farmers to grow the crop and facilitates wider distribution of products. Vietnamese Robusta is grown using traditional farming methods that emphasize sustainability and minimal environmental impact.

Bottom Line

I  hope you’ll discover a world of Vietnamese Robusta – other coffee that is unlike most of what you have drunk before. And Vietnamese coffee is just not about the taste. By choosing to consume this coffee, you are supporting small-scale farmers and their communities while also helping to preserve the biodiversity of the regions where the coffee is are also contributing to the global trend of conscious consumption and sustainable development.




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